Below are listed example administration cases handled by the Kamil Zieliński Law Firm:

  1. Value of the matter in dispute: 125.000 PLN
    Case concerning a fine imposed by a Building Site Inspector.
    • The Building Site Inspector imposed a fine for violation of the provisions referring to industrial facilities occupancy; a Client brought a complaint against the decision of the Voievodship Construction Supervision Inspector.
    • The Voievodship Administrative Court accepted the complaint and revoked the Voievodship Construction Supervision Inspector decision.
  2. Value of the matter in dispute: 61.206,40 PLN
    Case concerning personal income tax reduction.
    • After considering the case the Voievodship Administrative Court decided, that the tax payer has a right to deduct cost of apartments built for rent from his profit.
  1. Value of the matter in dispute: 30.000 PLN
    Case concerning a fine imposed by the Voievodship Road Transportation Inspectorate.
    • The Voievodship Road Transportation Inspectorate performed inspection at a Client's company and imposed the fine for the lack of drivers' working time records.
    • After considering the case the Voievodship Administrative Court revoked the decision of the Voievodship Road Transportation Inspectorate.
  2. Value of the matter in dispute: 7.550 PLN
    Case against the President of the City of Szczecin.
    • A case for payment for using paid parking places within the Paid Parking Zone without issuing a payment initiated by the President of the City of Szczecin against a Client.
    • After considering the case the President of the City of Szczecin refrained from pursuing claims.
  3. Case concerning decission on conditions of building and land development.
    • A Client was denied a permission to build a "habitation".
    • The Self-Government Appeals Court revoked the decision in full and the Client obtained a permission to build a "habitation".